Sunday, June 22, 2008

Affirmations vs Beliefs

Have you ever tried AFFIRMATIONS? Did you succeed?


Believe me I have tried AFFIRMATIONS for almost every area imaginable. But nothing improved until I started working with my long held BELIEFS. Beliefs are picked up by our subconscious before even we reach the age of 7. Our parents, Teachers and Authority figures are all involved in planting LIMITING BELIEFS in our subconscious.

Even a slightest punishment from our parents or teachers will install a belief in our subconscious implying that "WE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH" and it may have an adverse effect on our self esteem. So as you can see, you can never tell how many of these beliefs are embedded in your subconscious that is creating your present reality.

Unless you first clear these LIMITING BELIEFS , it is impossible for AFFIRMATIONS to give you the intended results.

On the other hand clearing LIMITING BELIEFS are not so difficult as it seems. If any one says that it is difficult, it is also a LIMITING BELIEF held by that person. There are several techniques that can be used to clear LIMITING BELIEFS.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I was heavily in debt at one time of my life. I was even thinking of selling my house to re pay this debt. But was so scared of selling my house as the real estate market is shooting up each and every day, and no sensible man would sell his own house at a juncture like this.

So I tried getting a mortgage loan against my house. I was so attached to this loan out of fear of being forced to sell my house, if this did not materialize. To my surprise my application was rejected. I re-tried with several banks to the same outcome.

Then at last I decided to sell my house. As I was in this mind set for a few days, suddenly one bank contacted me and asked me to see them. I went and met them and to my surprise, they agreed to give me the loan that I was trying to get so hard but couldn't in the past.

So as I contemplated on this scenario, it became clear that I was so attached to the loan fearing that I will have to sell my house, this really is lack mentality. What I was projecting to the universe was that I had no other option and was really in a LACK MENTALITY. As you see when I had another option to the bank loan in the case of selling my house, I let go my attachment to the loan and let God, (Universe) take care of the whole issue. I was ready for any outcome trusting in God or Universe or what ever name you call that power.

It cleared up the attachment and from then onwards I was detached and trusting in the higher power.

This is the graetest lesson I learnt from this incident. Now I am ready for any outcome, but I have great trust in God (Universe) to give me the best at that possible time.

My message to every one is LET GO and LET GOD handle it. Trust in GOD. (Universe, Higher Power, Source Energy or You Can Substitute Any Word for that Exalted Power)